Meat, poultry, fish, shellfish and bones |
Liquid dairy products |
Foil wrap, pouches and pie plates |
Metal |
Cereal and cracker box liners |
Chip and cookie bags |
Pet food bags and other lined bags |
Butter wrappers |
Make-up remover pads, cotton swabs and balls |
Dental floss, rubber bands |
Soiled diapers, baby wipes |
Sanitary hygiene products, condoms |
Dryer sheets and lint |
Cigarettes and butts |
Vacuum contents and bags |
Plastic containers and cutlery |
Plastic bags and wrap, bottles and tubs |
Glass bottles and jars |
Produce baskets and netting |
Burlap |
Plastic wrap, Aluminum foil |
Cork Coated and plastic takeout containers |
Milk Cartons, Ice cream Cartons |
Plastic plates, cups and utensils |
Latex and plastic gloves |
Styrofoam |
Wire and rubber bands |
Grease and liquids |
Painted and treated wood |
Pet waste |